
Saint Peter’s Church invites you to join us for live worship services Sundays at 9:15 and 11:00am.

If you plan on joining us, Saint Peter’s will require you to adhere to the following guidelines to ensure both your safety and the safety of our guests and congregation:

  • To ensure the highest level of safety, Saint Peter’s requires all staff, volunteers and guests wear a mask inside our facilities. Please secure the mask over your mouth and nose.

  • Per CDC guidelines, social distancing is encouraged at a recommended 6 feet (more instructions will be available upon entering the building).

  • Seating selection will be guided by Saint Peter’s ushers. Seating guidelines are consistent with social distancing and safety guidelines, as recommended by the CDC.

  • We encourage all guests to bring pocket hand sanitizer and water for your convenience.


The desire of Saint Peter’s Children’s Ministry is to create a safe place where our children can come together and connect with each other, to worship and grow in their love for Jesus.

  • We will be staying as socially distant as possible and will be playing and doing non-touch games and activities.

  • We ask that children and leaders wear masks at this time to serve and protect one another.

  • As normal, children will be checked in upon arrival and will stay in Children’s Ministry during the entire service. Once you check in, you will be directed towards your child’s classroom.


Due to the rapidly changing information, we encourage you to stay connected for the latest updates. You can sign up for our email newsletter below, follow us on social media (@saintpetersmp) or visit